Defiance (1)Full unit name: Defiance (MC80 Home One-type Star Cruiser)
Last updated: 13.02.2024 21:36:19
Basic info
First appearance: Star Wars : X-Wing (Video Game)
Model: MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
Starship Models
Known Facts (1)
Battle over Endor (1) »
The Mon Calamari Cruiser Defiance was a MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser
MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
Starship Models
and part of the Alliance Fleet during the Galactic Civil War. During the Alliance investigation on the Death Star I
Death Star
Space Stations
, and while orbiting Bestine IV, the Independence was approached by the Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Starship Models
Immortal which launched squadrons of TIE bombers
TIE Bomber
Starfighter Models
to destroy it. Most of the Defiance's pilots were away flying other missions but the ship was able to scramble three X-wings
T-65 X-Wing
Starfighter Models
and two R-22 Spearheads in its defense. The Rebel pilots, including Keyan Farlander
Keyan Farlander
Supporting Characters
and Breth Gart were able to defend it until the ship was safely in hyperspace. During the evacuation of Yavin 4, the Alliance High Command requested her presence in order to protect the Rebel ships about to hyperspace away from the Imperial blockade. The vessel performed numerous missions, both individually and as part of a battle line. The Defiance was commanded by Admiral Nammo throughout the Galactic Civil War. Her Tactical Officer was Commander Devers, who assumed his position following the capture and brainwashing of his predecessor, Commander Kupalo. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth
Battle of Hoth
Galactic Civil War
, the Defiance was trapped in the Anoat sector with her task group, hunted by Imperial Admiral Garreth Holtz and his Corrupter task force. Defiance was eventually able to escape deep into the Outer Rim Territories, where she and her task force were able to recover from their campaign, this was accomplished thanks in part to pilot Ace Azzameen. The vessel later participated in the Battle of Endor
Battle over Endor
(Endor Campaign)
Galactic Civil War
, and pursued Imperial ships after the victory of the Alliance.


See also
Organizations that used this starship
Rebel Alliance Navy
Complete list

Full unit name: Defiance (MC80 Home One-type Star Cruiser) Last updated: 13.02.2024 21:36:19